Old Fashioned Winter November 12, 2019 – Posted in: News, Video
Nowadays, winters seem to be more unpredictable than ever. And if you’ve ever been to Newfoundland — that applies tenfold. But, when winter does decide to strike hard, and maintain its frigid grasp, the locals often dub it as an “Old Fashioned Winter.”
Last February, it appeared to be one of those winters, so we ventured deep into the Bonne Bay region of Western Newfoundland. A place not traditionally known as a snowboarding destination — but home to a vast and mighty set of backcountry terrain, challenging weather conditions, and some of the most captivating people you could ever meet.
This film takes you on an explorative journey into the mystical backcountry and unique culture of Western outport Newfoundland, a place that many people know little about, or what exactly exists there.
Produced by VOLTFUSE
Directed by Only Issue Co
Sean Genovese
Kevin Hanson
Alex Henniffent
Dru Kennedy
Gabe Fisher
Scott Hiscock
Special thanks:
Mike Devine
Ryan Crocker
Curzon Chalets
Wild Gros Morne
Western DMO
Quidi Vidi Brewing Co.
1 Comment
reider November 13, 2019 - 23:16
stick yer ‘ands in the h’oven my son!